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Rumsey’s VIIth Form (9th Grade) academic program offers appropriate challenges and preparation for the curricula at secondary schools around the world. Our VIIth Form program allows students to enter secondary school fully grounded with a sense of purpose and energy. Buoyed by their successful experiences in leadership and the School’s mission to be a successful and contributing member of the community, 学生自信地前进, 充满冒险精神的年轻人,他们自信且适应力强.

“We had a lot of responsibility in our Senior Year and a new level of independence that was as challenging as it was rewarding. Lifetime bonds were formed and a confidence that ultimately prepared us for our high school years.”  – Rumsey alumnus



  • 加拿大圣母学院
  • Avon Old Farms, CT
  • 比德高中,英国
  • Blair Academy, NJ 
  • Brooks School, MA
  • Canterbury School, CT
  • Choate Rosemary Hall, CT 
  • 教堂农场学校,宾夕法尼亚州   
  • 弗雷德里克·冈恩学校,康涅狄格州 
  • 马萨诸塞州州长学院
  • Groton School, MA
  • The Hill School, PA
  • 圣十字高中,康涅狄格州
  • 康涅狄格州卢米斯查菲学校
  • Millbrook School, NY
  • New Hampton School, NH 
  • 马萨诸塞州诺斯菲尔德黑门山学校
  • Peddie School, NJ 
  • Portsmouth Abbey, RI
  • Saint James School, MD
  • Salisbury School, CT 
  • St. Paul’s School, NH
  • Suffield Academy, CT 
  • The Taft School, CT
  • 威斯敏斯特学校,康涅狄格州 
  • Westtown School, PA 
  • WLSA上海学院,中国
  • 伍德伯里森林学校,弗吉尼亚州